-Intercede: intervene on behalf of another
'' I begged him to intercede for Theresa, but he never did."
-Hackneyed: not fresh or unoriginal
" Every time my internet goes down, the cable guy give me a hackneyed explanation."
-Approbation: approval or praise
" The opera met with high approbation."
-Innuendo: an indirect intimation about a person or a thing
" She's always making sly innuendos.''
-Coalition: an alliance for combined action
" The international community formed a coalition representing like interests in financial affairs."
-Elicit: bring out
" The phone calls elicited either no response or a delayed response days later."
-Hiatus: a pause or gap in a sequence
"There was a hiatus in the activities of the agency."
-Assuage: make less intense
" He was able to assuage the bad feelings."
-Decadence: moral or cultural decline
'' The gold trimmings in the celebrity's bathroom are nothing but sheer decadence.
-Expostulate: express strong disapproval or disagreement
"My mother never missed the opportunity to expostulate her opinion anytime my father did something wrong."
-Simulate: imitate the appearance
"Maybe a good walk would stimulate her mind."
-Jaded: tired, bored
" Because ive been eating nothing but noodles for the past two weeks my taste buds are a little jaded."
-Umbrage: offence or annoyance
" She took that umbrage really hard."
-Transcend: go beyond the range
"I hope you can create something good out of something bad, and thereby transcend and transform it."
-Provincial: country or empire
"Since my cousins live in a trailer on a dirt road, many people consider her to be provincial.''
-Petulant: childish
"He was a petulant child who was aggravated by the smallest things."
-Unctuous: flattering
''The head cheerleader made an unctuous effort to get the geeks to give her their prom queen votes."
-Meritorious: deserving reward
"He strongly commends meritorious alms-giving to the church."