Friday, February 20, 2015

Catcher in the Rye Questions

-what are some themes and symbols in the story? -how does Holden relate to his little sister? -What does Holden mean when he calls people around him '' phonies ''? -What is the significance of the red Hunter's hat that Holden wears? -What are some things that make Holden feel emotional? -Why does Holden fight Stradlater at Pencey? -Why does Holden ultimately leave Pencey? -Why can't Holden force himself to sleep with the prostitute who comes to his motel room? -What's Holden's history teachers name? -What did Holden write the story about? -How much does Holden pay the prostitute/ -Who does Holden go to the movies with? -what name does Holden give the lady at the train?

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