Friday, February 20, 2015


Ch4: Holden might have a crush on a girl named Jane. Stradlater is taking her on a date and Holden dosent like that idea of that. Ch5: We realize that Holden is not what they make him seem like. In this chapter we see a sesitive side that only seems to come out when he talks about children especially his brother Allie, and his sister Phoebe. Ch6: Stradlater ended up going on that date with jena. Holden smokes a cigarette. He gets in a fight with stradlater. He might get expelled because he has failed tooo many classes. ch7: After the fight he walks in his room and starts to feel lonesome because of the whole argument he had with stradlater earlier that day. ch13: Some people took his gloves. He dosent do anything to get them back because he Knows that if he were to walk in front of who ever took them he wouldnt do anything because he is a coward.

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